Sunday 29 June 2008

Talk about deleterious effect of coffee on the health?

Tremendous amount of research time has been spent to study the effect of caffeine on people. Most of the findings have discovered that caffeine ( and coffee is one of the highest caffeine laced beverage, a lot higher than tea) has some kind of effect on almost all body parts. Serious health hazards such as rheumatoid arthritis and heart attacks have also been linked to coffee. The common ailments are increase in blood pressure ( can be fatal in individuals who already suffer from high blood pressure) and change in the level of stress hormones. Heart palpitations, jitters and weakening of the nervous system have also been associated with long time coffee drinkers.

One of the most harmful effects of hot coffee has been connected with pregnant women. Malformation or low birth weight is a chronic problem faced by doctors in cases where the mother has been a regular coffee drinker. Coffee is said to reduce the ability of the women’s body to absorb calcium and other important minerals which can have harmful results on the child. Lactating mothers are also warned against having coffee as that gets transferred to the child and the child may loose the ability to process caffeine in the long run.

The harmful effect of hot coffee is a debatable topic and people continue to take sides on this matter. It should be kept in mind that regular usage of coffee is definitely harmful for the health.

Jocelyn Meadows loves coffee and everything about it. Coffee enthusiasts should read about grind and brew coffee makers and under cabinet coffee makers.

Hmm, what i can say after reading it? In my  opinion, one cup of coffee per day don't cause harmful effects to one's health.

Friday 27 June 2008

Excess of caffeine influence on health

In general, excess caffeine causes heartbeat, chills, fidget and insomnia. However, a limit of coffein depends on person and his state of health: for one quite enough one cup of coffee to have above trouble, while others drink ten cups of coffee per day and feel well. Coffee - one of the most studied beverage in the world, and yet scientists continue to argue about what impact it has on human body. There is every reason to think that coffee lover able to limit themselves in accordance with its tolerance to caffeine, may not fear for their health.

Coffee contains acid, especially high-altitude sorts of arabica, and this acid, not caffeine, sometimes cause pain in the stomach. Coffee without coffein contains acid too, so stomach problems can not be solved. Neutralizing coffee sales in North America and Great Britain in France and Germany. All of these varieties of coffee doesn't so tasty because the acid give piquancy to high altitude arabica which grown in the mountains and also to coffee blends, which contain arabica.

Organic coffee research

Throughout the early 1970s many small family owned natural and gourmet food stores were boycotted by health food distributors because specialty coffee was carried. These health food distributors would refuse to deliver their orders. It is amazing that after thirty-five years and thousands of studies on the health effects of coffee, just how much has changed. A summary of the findings of these studies may lead one to think that coffee is the wonder drug of the new millennium.

Some of these findings include the discovery that coffee drinkers have a reduced rate of Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, certain types of breast cancer, gallstones, colon cancer, asthma attacks, bladder cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, depression and suicide, and even a reduction in cardiovascular disease. Coffee drinkers also have been shown to have improved performance on memory tests and improved athletic performance as well.

Additionally, one serving of coffee has more antioxidants than a serving of blueberries, raspberries, or orange juice and up to ten times more antioxidants than that found in green tea. Green coffee extracts are available which have a high polyphenol antioxidant content with 90% less caffeine then typical coffee most people around the world consume giving one the benefits of the coffee bean with little caffeine side effects.

However, all individuals do not react the same to a particular food. Actually, individuals may develop irregular heart rates when they are subjected to any form of caffeine, including chocolate, soda pop, aspirin, or coffee. Some individuals may also be mildly susceptible to the somewhat addictive effects of these products. But, there is a much more serious health question pertaining to coffee, how was yours produced?

Since coffee is grown in over eighty countries worldwide and consists of a seventy billion dollar market at retail, the positive and negative influence of coffee growing, purchasing, and trading are extremely significant. Coffee business provides sustenance for over 123 million people throughout the world. Most of the coffee produced is grown conventionally using pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fertilizers. DDT and lead arsenic, along with a lot of other banned chemicals, are used in coffee growing. The uterine cancer rates in women and rates of child birth defects are out of control in those areas where conventional coffee growing takes place. Deforestation in ecologically significant areas of the planet is rampant, since sun hybrid coffee is planted in places of shade, causing varieties to boost yield per acre.

The good news is that the old, better tasting varieties, which were grown the old way under a canopy of shade trees and using organic farming methods still exist. Small family farms have been organized into Fair Trade Cooperatives and have been trained to grow their varieties using the latest organic farming methods. This results in a product that will sustain your lifestyle and also provide for the people and the environment where your coffee comes from.

Different certifications can help to recognize and support sustainable agriculture and social justice when enjoying your cup of healthy coffee. These labels include Organic, Fair Trade, and Smithsonian Shade Grown “Bird-Friendly”. Coffee remains to be one of the world’s true values, with just 60-80 cups per pound a serving being just 12-16 cents. Thanks to our farming partners and roasters, the world is consuming the real value of specialty organic coffee.
About the Author

More information on Premium coffee and extracts is available at VitaNet ®, LLC Health Food Store.