Tuesday 24 June 2008

Coffee Health reduce a risk of development blepharospasm

Good news to haunters of coffee houses, amateurs to drink the morning cup of tonic and just interested in coffee health. Now they can assert realistically that their habit not only a pleasant, but also useful. This opportunity allow the Italian researchers from the university of city Bari in Italy.
Scientists studied influence of coffee on the patients suffering blepharospasm. Experts from faculty of neurology and psychiatry had investigated 166 patients whom has been diagnosed blepharospasm a different degree of weight. Provided to be that one - two cups of coffee per day reduce risk of occurrence and development of this illness. And the more patients drink coffee, the it is less probability of development of spasms. On average one cup of coffee per day prolongs a life without the eye tic approximately for 1,7 years.

The head of research, professor Giovanni Defazio, has supposed that to struggle with a tic in this case caffeine helps. Theoretically, it can block those brain centers which responsible for origin of spasm. In the same way caffeine slow down development of Parkinson’s disease, the scientist reminds.

Foreign colleagues make comments on the results receiving by Italians with cautious optimism. ” Very interesting work, - counts professor Kajlash Bhatija from the London Institute of neurology. - If it will be possible to understand thoroughly the mechanism of the phenomenon, results could be use both in preventive measures, and in treatment of illness”. At that he has emphasized necessity to carry out the further researches.

In the last years scientists opened mass of useful properties of coffee health. The world has already learned that coffee in moderate dozes improves memory, aggravates attention and stimulates cogitative activity. And also wakens man’s sexuality. But of all kinds substitutes depriving caffeine, to the contrary, harmful to heart.

Coffee Health Source